Are you wondering how to become “that girl”? If you’re not living under a rock, you’ve definitely encountered the TikTok trend on how to be “that girl.” But let’s face it, what exactly is “that girl”? Is there a definition? Who came up with it? Honestly, we need answers, and to be honest, there doesn’t seem to be a straightforward response.

Whether you’re a frequent Instagram or TikTok scroller, or you’re on social media solely to check up on your exes or share your exciting adventures with your family, “that girl” has probably crossed your radar by now. You’ve likely seen 30-second reels of “that girl” waking up early, making her bed, and sipping green juice, all before strapping on ankle weights for a Hot Girl Walk.

However, “that girl” isn’t necessarily an individual or a list of wellness trends. It’s more of a feeling—a focus on self-improvement and being the best version of oneself. “That girl” isn’t a TikTok celebrity who posts about salmon and rice bowls or a wellness influencer whose advice is meant to inspire but often leads to stress. “That girl” embodies living your best life and prioritizing self-improvement. It’s a concept that you can interpret in your own way, and we adore the idea of it. 

Common elements include waking up early and seizing the day from the moment you open your eyes. If you want to embrace this trend, we have the ultimate “that girl” guide for you (don’t say we don’t treat you). We’ve made it so these are healthy habits you can incorporate into your daily life, and they’re not impossible to achieve! You don’t have to live in a high-rise New York apartment with a well-paying job to succeed; you can be an everyday person and still excel.

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What Does Being That Girl Mean?

“That girl” is the kind of girl who perpetually seeks self-improvement. She embodies discipline and unwavering motivation to become the best version of herself. This girl places a premium on her mental, physical, and spiritual well-being while remaining committed to her work. To become “that girl” entails shedding negative and stagnant mindsets in favor of prioritizing self-care. 

She understands her self-worth and is diligently forging her path to happiness and abundance by relinquishing detrimental habits and mindsets. She conscientiously tends to her health, leading a wholesome lifestyle. While the concept of becoming “that girl” may appear largely aesthetic on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest, it actually signifies the life of a purposeful girl who either genuinely has her life together or adeptly pretends to. 

This concept revolves around personal development and self-improvement. It’s about a confident woman who enters any room with her head held high, living a life characterized by intention, productivity, and health. However, let’s be candid; the image of becoming “that girl” on social media makes it seem as if she effortlessly maintains her life, effortlessly builds new habits and routines, and sticks to them with ease. In reality, forming a habit can be challenging, let alone adhering to a morning routine while acquiring new skills. 

Nevertheless, commencing with and integrating small habits can result in significant life changes. If you aspire to learn how to become “that girl” without losing your sanity or derailing from your path, we’ve got your back. Becoming “that girl” necessitates intentionality in how you lead your life, focusing on personal development, health, lifestyle, and goals. 

It involves rising early, establishing a morning and self-care routine, organizing your life, and embracing a healthy diet and lifestyle. To become “that girl” means giving precedence to your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. It underscores a laser focus on “YOU,” your well-being, growth, objectives, and health. Now that you understand what it means to become “that girl,” I’m sure your next question is, “How can I be that girl?”

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Here are ways on how to be that girl:

1. Reframe Your Mindset

When striving to learn how to be that girl, one crucial aspect to embrace is the transformation of your mindset. Cultivating the habits of That Girl begins with reshaping the way you think, which profoundly impacts your self-perception, how you interpret situations, and your perspective on the world around you. 

To embark on this journey, you should reorient your thinking toward a positive outlook, shed the “victim mindset,” and venture beyond your comfort zone. If you find yourself entangled in negative thoughts and constantly critiquing yourself, consider incorporating journaling and affirmations into your routine. Through this process of altering your mindset, you’ll come to realize the immense influence your thoughts wield over your life. 

The practice of reframing your mind with positive language isn’t just a mere concept; it has yielded tangible results for me. So, if your aspiration is to become that girl, your first step should be the profound transformation of your mindset.

2. Set Attainable Goals and Slay Them

To attain your aspirations in life, the practice of goal setting is an absolute necessity. When endeavoring to develop the habits of that girl, it’s imperative to establish goals that are within your reach. This entails commencing with just one or two objectives at a time. When you come across content showcasing “that girl” on platforms like TikTok, it’s natural to feel a sense of intimidation and wonder how you can reach such a level of organization and near-perfection. 

While I don’t advocate blindly following everything you encounter on social media, it’s important to recognize that these portrayals can be deceptive. Nonetheless, if your aim for 2023 is to embody the essence of that girl, then initiating the process of goal setting is paramount. 

For instance, if your mornings are marred by tardiness, a lack of exercise, a messy living space, and haphazard eating habits, consider taking the initiative to organize your apartment and dedicate at least one day each week to thorough cleaning. It’s important to acknowledge that building habits, especially “that girl habits,” can pose a significant challenge. Therefore, set SMART goals and work diligently to achieve them.

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3. Have a Vision Board

Creating a vision board is a powerful way to stay motivated and focused on your goals, especially if you want to learn how to be that girl with a specific aesthetic. The saying, “Out of sight, out of mind,” holds true when it comes to achieving your dreams. Have you ever set goals and then found yourself forgetting why you set them or losing your motivation to pursue them?

To become that girl with the desired aesthetic, you need to keep your goals and visions close to you. Consider envisioning how you want your life to look and the type of aesthetic you aim to embody, and then save images that represent your aspirations. You can set these images as your phone wallpaper or print them out and display them where you’ll see them daily. This way, you’ll be constantly reminded of why you must work towards your goals and how to become that girl you aspire to be.

4. Have a Morning Routine

Another key habit of being that girl involves establishing a morning routine. Have you come across those girl videos on TikTok? The TikTok “that girl” typically begins her day early, engaging in activities such as showering, reading, enjoying personal time, working out, following a skincare regimen, applying makeup, and ensuring she looks impeccable before stepping out. 

Developing a morning routine isn’t just important; it’s crucial if you’re eager to embody that girl’s lifestyle. The advantages of having a morning routine cannot be overstated. In my own experience, planning my day the night before and crafting a personalized morning routine have been transformative, profoundly affecting how I manage my responsibilities. 

Consequently, rising early, perhaps at 4 or 5 am, becomes essential if you aspire to become that girl. However, it’s essential to understand that individual preferences and productivity hours vary. To maximize your effectiveness, it’s important to analyze your body’s natural rhythms, determining the most productive hours of your day, and tailor your routine accordingly.

5. Maintain Good Posture and Poise

Do you want to know how to be that girl? Your posture and poise play a crucial role in conveying who you are without uttering a word. Being that girl isn’t just about portraying an almost perfect life on TikTok or Instagram. To become that girl, you must focus on self-improvement both internally and externally. Often, the importance of maintaining the right posture and poise is underestimated.

Let’s shift gears. Have you ever observed a girl entering a restaurant, and all eyes are on her for a moment? Consider this: Is she walking in with her head held high, chin up, and shoulders back? What vibe does she radiate? She emanates confidence, beauty, and a strong sense of self-worth (maybe even adding a little extra). Your posture and poise are silent indicators of whether you exude confidence or insecurity. So, learn to stand tall, stride into a room with your chin up, and sit with proper posture—no slouching. That’s how to be that girl.

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6. Organize your life

One of the key habits associated with being “that girl” is organization. This individual ensures that everything has its designated place, whether it’s using elegant organization boxes or maintaining a well-arranged closet, clothing, and stylish home decor for their apartment. Moreover, when you bring order to various aspects of your life—such as your wardrobe, closets, kitchen, meal planning, emails, finances, and laundry—you not only find happiness but also achieve a clearer state of mind. 

Personally, I struggle to function effectively in a cluttered environment; it feels like there’s a constant mental battle. Please take note: If you’re currently experiencing a messy phase in your life and aspire to become more organized, remember that you have to start somewhere. We understand your strong desire to learn how to be “that girl,” but don’t overwhelm yourself.

 Begin by decluttering your space, making your bed promptly each morning, cooking at home at least twice a week, and conducting a thorough cleaning session at least once a week. Before you know it, you’ll be building these “that girl habits” gradually.

7. Embrace a Positive Mindset

To understand how to be “that girl” known for showcasing the fashionable aesthetics seen in TikTok posts, it’s essential to recognize that embodying “That Girl” is a facet of your personal growth journey. Achieving this status involves cultivating a positive mindset that exudes self-confidence and a can-do attitude.

8. Consistently Practice Self Care

When we discuss becoming “that girl,” it’s evident that self-care takes center stage as the foremost habit to embrace. Prioritizing self-care, including skincare, overall wellness, and mental health, is crucial on your journey to becoming “that girl.”

This ideal individual maintains a daily skincare regimen and practices mindful shower routines, aiming for clear and radiant skin. Remember, self-care should never feel like a burden; you deserve all the love and attention you invest in yourself.

9. Make Time for Yourself

Self-reflection is a crucial practice. To witness your transformation into “that girl,” allocate uninterrupted moments in your day, ranging from a few minutes to a few hours, solely for self-care. Personally, I reserve a few minutes for journaling, reading, or unwinding with my favorite show, or I indulge in extra bath time for relaxation. If you’re uncertain about how to dedicate at least 30 minutes to an hour to self-care, consider creating a self-care menu. Even a 5-minute self-care menu can serve as a foundation for building this essential habit.

10. Eat Healthily

To learn how to be that girl who embodies a healthy lifestyle, focus on incorporating green veggies, oatmeal, and an abundance of fruits into your diet. These are the staples you often witness in the aesthetics of individuals on TikTok or Instagram who embody this lifestyle. 

Prioritize a nutritious approach to eating and recognize that what you consume plays a pivotal role in your overall well-being, particularly steering clear of unhealthy junk food. If your aim is to maintain fitness or work towards your health objectives, opt for foods that aid in weight management and health improvement. Challenge yourself to embrace more homemade meals as they not only contribute to your well-being but also provide cost savings.

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11. Exercise and Stay Fit

One prevalent theme in the “That Girl’s Aesthetics” on TikTok is the emphasis on yoga and exercise. Engaging in physical activity offers numerous benefits for the body, a fact that this lifestyle embodies. To maintain your fitness and overall well-being, it’s advisable to incorporate exercise or yoga into your daily routine. While many people choose to work out in the morning, I, as someone who transformed from a night owl to a morning person, prefer evening workouts.

Since mornings tend to be the most productive time for most individuals, they often allocate this time to work. Whether you opt for yoga, gym sessions, home HIIT workouts, or long walks, it’s crucial to discover what suits you best and stick with it. Consistency is key, and it’s essential to do it for your own well-being rather than solely for social media validation.

12. Indulge in Journaling

If you want to learn how to be that girl who lives intentionally, journaling is the key. This powerful tool can transform your mindset, alter your outlook on life, and guide you towards a better path. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about self-discovery and growth. Journaling enables you to delve deeper, recognize patterns, clarify your goals, monitor your progress, reflect, evaluate, and practice gratitude.

Through journaling, I’ve discovered direction, shed burdens, relieved anxiety, and maintained a clear headspace. So, don’t pursue this journey solely for its outward appearance; embrace intentionality and start your journaling practice. If you’re unsure where to begin, here’s a guide on how to journal effectively. Among the journals I swear by, my top favorites are the five-minute and one-line-a-day journals.

13. Wear Minimal Makeup

How can embracing minimal makeup contribute to embodying that girl lifestyle? It’s important to understand that becoming that girl isn’t just about occasional actions; it’s a daily commitment to a particular lifestyle, encompassing everything from your attire, clothing choices, posture, fitness, and more. Your physical appearance plays a significant role in this journey, and the makeup you choose has a direct impact on how you present yourself.

Have you ever noticed those TikTok girls who exude a sense of effortlessness and natural beauty? They opt for simple, smooth, and minimal makeup, allowing their innate charm to shine through. Minimal makeup grants you a more natural, soft, and unfussy appearance. It not only enhances your appeal but also signifies confidence, authenticity, and a chic, elegant aura.

Remember to use a clean mascara brush to eliminate clumps and separate your lashes effectively. Maintain smooth lips, prioritize dental care for a confident smile, and nurture clear, radiant skin through moisturization and sunscreen application to prevent sunburn. With a solid skincare routine in place, you’ll find that heavy, full-coverage makeup becomes unnecessary.

14. Hydrate, Hydrate, and Hydrate

Have you noticed those stunning water bottles featured on “That Girl’s Tiktok Aesthetics”? Wondering how to be that girl who stays hydrated in style? Well, staying properly hydrated is crucial for your health, and it’s not a groundbreaking revelation. However, many folks only reach for water when they feel thirsty, which isn’t the best approach to meet your daily hydration needs. 

To become that girl who knows how to stay hydrated effortlessly, start by keeping a chic water bottle nearby and taking occasional sips throughout the day. I used to struggle with my water intake too, but ever since I added this stylish water bottle to my workspace, I’ve been consistently meeting my hydration goals.

15. Dress Well

Elevating your style is a key element in becoming “that girl,” and it doesn’t mean you have to transform into someone entirely new. You can maintain your unique dressing style while enhancing it for a more polished look. Challenge yourself to choose well-fitted clothing, bid farewell to worn-out, faded garments, and embrace an elegant fashion sense. Don’t subject yourself to uncomfortable footwear – for instance, those towering 6-inch heels left my legs in pain all day.

While heels exude style and grace, stumbling around in them can be comical and awkward. So, I made the switch from 6-inch heels to more manageable 2 to 3-inch block heels, and it’s been a game-changer. Remember, the key is to wear shoes that are both stylish and comfortable. The ultimate goal is to exude confidence, comfort, and style when you step out in your chosen footwear.

Embrace the power of positive affirmations for self-care to uplift your mood, because taking a moment each day to remind yourself of your worth and well-being can be the key to a happier and more fulfilling life.

16. Get Your Hair Done

Enhancing your hair isn’t just about looks; it plays a significant role in boosting your confidence and overall presence. It’s the key to becoming “that girl” who exudes elegance and poise. To embark on the journey of becoming that girl, begin by prioritizing your hair care routine. Beautifully styled hair not only elevates your appearance but also radiates an aura of organization and self-assuredness. Take the time to explore different hairstyles and hair care techniques that suit your personality and lifestyle. 

Experiment with haircuts, colors, and treatments to discover what enhances your unique beauty. Additionally, invest in high-quality hair products and tools to maintain your locks in their best condition. Furthermore, remember that confidence and self-esteem go hand in hand with well-groomed hair. So, learn to embrace and love your hair, as it’s an essential part of what makes you “that girl” who commands attention and admiration.

17. Be Confident and Love Yourself

The “That girl” TikTok trend can take a negative turn, potentially leading to self-loss when fundamental life principles are absent. For instance, one of our core principles revolves around contentment; we don’t resort to borrowing for the sake of appearances. I find fulfillment in what I have, yet I maintain a strong work ethic, often earning the label of an overachiever.

While many individuals embrace trends without a set of guiding principles, it’s crucial not to compromise your identity merely to emulate the TikTok ideal. Stay true to yourself, cherish your self-worth unconditionally, and recognize your distinctiveness. You are irreplaceable, and nobody else can replicate your essence. As you delve into the art of becoming “that girl,” prioritize adopting wholesome habits that bolster your self-confidence while remaining authentic.

18. Be Consistent and Disciplined

Establishing fresh habits can indeed prove challenging, an undeniable truth. However, the journey becomes immensely gratifying when unwavering consistency is your companion. In your pursuit of becoming “that girl,” unwavering consistency and disciplined commitment are indispensable. This journey entails setting goals and unwaveringly adhering to them, especially when faced with adversity. 

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Understand that there will be moments when quitting may seem tempting, yet it’s your discipline that will steer you through challenges and setbacks, ultimately yielding rewarding results. Maintaining consistency and discipline empowers you to nurture healthy routines, accomplish your aspirations, fortify self-assurance, and foster positive connections—elements that pave the path to a purposeful and enriched life. 

Importantly, remember that consistency and discipline do not demand perfection. Rather, they entail showing up daily and investing the effort required to mold the life you envision, even on those days when motivation wanes. To embody the “that girl” lifestyle, you must cultivate and steadfastly practice these habits without fail.

19. Build Healthy Habits

Among the many facets I cherish about adopting the “that girl” lifestyle is the focus on self-enhancement, deliberate living, and the cultivation of fresh, beneficial routines. This encompasses various endeavors, including organizing one’s life, increasing water intake, engaging in regular exercise, and prioritizing self-care. These changes require substantial commitment, especially when parting with long-embedded unhealthy habits.

Nevertheless, it’s wise to commence this transformative journey one step at a time. Consider beginning with a single health-conscious adjustment, such as shifting your bedtime from midnight to 10 pm. While this may appear modest, its ripple effect can be profound, positively influencing your daily routine in ways you might not anticipate.

20. Invest in Knowledge and Have a Reading List

If you’re wondering how to be that girl, it’s essential to emphasize investing in knowledge and personal development. To become that girl, you should prioritize reading, learning, and self-improvement. This includes having a curated reading list, exploring resources such as YouTube tutorials, seeking guidance from mentors, and dedicating yourself to educational pursuits. Your aim should be to achieve your goals and dreams, putting in the necessary effort to reach them.

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21. Find an Extra Hour in Your Day

TikToks might create the impression that “that girl” enjoys early morning wake-ups, but if 6 a.m. isn’t your thing, that’s perfectly fine. The objective is to allocate time during your day for self-care and accomplishing tasks from your list, and you can experience the benefits of an hour of personal time at any point in the day. For some, this could entail a comprehensive morning or evening routine, while others may utilize their lunch break for meditation, a walk, or tackling chores. No matter when or how, prioritize daily self-care.

22. Pamper Yourself Regularly

While every item on this checklist qualifies as self-care, you deserve a complete routine dedicated to indulging yourself. However, a quick PSA to all my fellow “that girls” out there: Pampering goes beyond achieving flawless skin or perfect manicures (although those are delightful side effects), and it doesn’t have to involve DIY facials or scheduling regular massages.

Devoting time to pampering and self-care, tailored to your preferences, can also enhance body image, bolster your body’s ability to handle stress, and cultivate an overall sense of positivity. Yet, the number one secret to becoming “that girl” isn’t just looking after yourself; it’s recognizing that you truly deserve it.

23. Be The Girl Who Has it All 

Experiencing an unexpected period with no supplies on hand is a situation even worse than you can imagine, especially when there’s no nearby Walgreens to rescue you. According to a survey conducted by the Free the Tampons Foundation, 86 percent of 1,072 women have faced this exact predicament, with 57 percent expressing more embarrassment than annoyance, stress, or panic.

However, the sisterhood among women is strong, as 53 percent shared that in such moments, they turned to another woman for a pad or tampon. So, consider paying it forward! By keeping your bag stocked with extra menstrual products, you not only help yourself in the long run but also potentially save someone’s day from the disaster of ruined jeans and ensure they make it to an important work meeting on time.

But that’s not all you should stash in your purse. While tissues and hand sanitizer are obvious choices during allergy season, having a supply of chocolates can be a real game-changer. Sharing a couple of bite-sized squares can alleviate PMS symptoms, enhance midday productivity, and create a bond with the person sitting next to you.

24. Be the Girl Who’s Independent

Whether you find joy in cozy Netflix nights or strutting in sky-high stilettos, dancing till dawn, your idea of a good time is entirely valid. Whether weekends are for bonding with sorority sisters or plotting your next Comic Con adventure, the “clique” you belong to is as inconsequential as your GPA post-graduation.

What suits me (or anyone else) may not suit you, and that’s perfectly fine. There’s no requirement to adore lipstick, Taylor Swift (yes, we went there), or “The Office” to be amazing. So, here’s the deal: Embrace your passions, because it’s a powerful thing, especially for those around you. So, if I see you out there being as badass as you are, I’m going to ask myself, what’s stopping me?

25. Be The Girl Who Everyone Says is Glowing

No, I’m not referring to using a highlighter. I’m talking about that authentic, radiant glow that emanates from within. Think of it as resembling the luminosity Margot Robbie exudes, but intensified by a hundredfold. It’s widely acknowledged that happiness is infectious. Scientific research confirms that when you’re in the company of joyful individuals, their positive energy tends to rub off on you. 

You’ll discover yourself feeling happier, more invigorated, and experiencing reduced stress levels overall. You can make a difference with just one simple act: smiling. That’s all it takes to kickstart the spread of good vibes. So, the next time you’re strolling down the street, consider putting your phone aside. Save the screen time for later and, even if briefly, engage with the people you encounter. 

We all have our down days, and it’s impossible to be in high spirits all the time. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean we should succumb to negativity. Every moment presents a fresh opportunity to brighten the day, both for yourself and for those you cross paths with.

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Final Thoughts

If you’re curious about how to be “that girl,” remember that it’s not about emulating a specific person or following a rigid set of rules. Instead, it’s about embracing a mindset of self-improvement and living your best life on your own terms. So, don’t worry about the elusive definition or who coined the term. 

Instead, focus on incorporating healthy habits like waking up early and seizing the day into your daily routine. You don’t need a glamorous lifestyle to succeed at being “that girl”—anyone can excel on their journey towards self-improvement. Now, go ahead and become the best version of yourself! 

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